X-Kart Young Driver

James Wareing

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James has shown immense potential and skill on the karting track, and now he’s ready to take on the challenges of car racing. Competing in the BMW 116 Trophy is no small feat; it requires precision, endurance, and a deep understanding of vehicle dynamics. This championship is known for its fiercely competitive field and demanding races, making it the perfect platform for James to showcase his talent and ambition. Stay tuned for more updates on James Wareing’s racing adventures and the vital role that SATA Tools® play in our success. Let’s cheer for James as he navigates the twists and turns of the BMW 116 Trophy, showcasing the true spirit of XKART and X-Racing!

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Race Report: Thrilling Conclusion at the 5th and Final Round of the Kart Championships!

This past weekend marked the Final Round of the Kart Championships, and what a finale it was! Our drivers showcased their grit, determination, and exceptional talent on the track, making it a weekend to remember. Here’s a detailed look at […]

James Wareing and the BMW 116 Trophy – Powered by SATA Tools®

We are thrilled to share the exciting journey of our talented driver, James Wareing, as he transitions from karting to car racing in the BMW 116 Trophy. This marks a significant milestone in his racing career, and we couldn’t be […]

From Karts to Cars, Our Drivers Excel Nationwide

This weekend, XKART & X-Racing drivers demonstrated exceptional skill and success across the UK, highlighting our program’s effectiveness in transitioning from karting to car racing. From Jack Burgess’s strong finish at Snetterton to Louis Harvey’s victory at Brands Hatch, our drivers showcased the competitive edge and racecraft honed through our training. Read more about their achievements and our commitment to developing the next generation of racing champions.


In addition to providing high-quality chassis solutions, X-Kart is committed to providing excellent customer service and support.